About Us


About Us

For many kids, learning typically involves reading a book, listening to a lecture, or doing research online, but when it comes to speaking, they always are down in confidence. Public speaking is an art and it’s acquired through practice and careful curation. The biggest factor that most of the students face in public speaking is stage fear — fear of facing people in front of them.

On most occasions kids try to avoid such situations which over a period of time will impact their confidence and can haunt them in their career ambitions. Public speaking skills acquired at early ages gives the added advantage when they progress in their school and college life. Therefore, public speaking causes so much anxiety and concern.

There is no magical solution to getting over shyness or social anxiety. Identifying this and making a proactive effort would go a long way, so why not today? … Tomorrow Starts Today isn’t it!

At Littletalkids we expertise in just turning this around- “a paradigm shift”. We have been working with kids in various ways and formats to perfect this over the last few years. Special Preparatory and Practice sessions curated for each kid is the key for making it happen. This effort could take anywhere from a few weeks to several months depending on multiple preparatory methodologies. The outcome will make the kids confident in their public speaking without a doubt.